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Proximity Detection & Collision Avoidance

Prevent collisions and optimise vehicle movement

Our Mission

Keep people safe & vehicle operations running smoothly

Our proximity detection solution is comprehensive. The system detects people, other vehicles and designated zones.

Integrating with locator tags and beacons allows active-mapping of the dynamic mine environment. This provides drivers with visibility of their surroundings and management with detailed reporting.


Avoid Collisions
Automated technology recognizes accident-threats and avoids collisions.
Enforce Business Rules
Vehicles automatically follow safety & production protocols.
Increase Productivity
Streamline movement and reduce unnecessary vehicle slowdowns.
Optimise Production
Use vehicle data to assess and improve mining production cycles.

Proximity Detection

Eyes and ears of the vehicle

Proximity detection provides vehicle operators with the information they need to utilize their vehicle safely.

Upgrading their level of awareness and automating foundational safety protocols defined by mine management.

Collision Avoidance

Automatically assess & recognise threats

Collision avoidance prevents injury, loss of life and damage to assets.

Integrated directly into our proximity detection system, all our advanced vehicle controller modules include collision avoidance. The system provides a range of capabilities from driver alerts to forced emergency stops.


Featured Case Study

We've equipped over 120-PAS-fitted Vehicles for the Koura Mine

Koura Fluorite
Las Cuevas Mine located in Mexico, Central America

Learn more about our Proximity Detection and Collision Avoidance solutions

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